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Runtime View

SILO-LAPIS consists of three main components:

  • LAPIS: A web service wrapping the SILO API.
    • It maps the request to a corresponding SILO query.
  • SILO API: The query engine exposed as a web service.
    • It accepts SILO queries and returns the results. A SILO query specifies
      • a filter expression for which samples should be considered,
      • an action what kind of data should be returned (details, aggregated data, etc.).
    • The SILO API regularly checks for new serialized states of the database (the output of the preprocessing) and loads them into memory.
  • SILO Preprocessing: A command line tool that preprocesses the data for SILO. It builds a database from the input data and serializes it to disk.
    • The SILO Preprocessing has to be started by the maintainer of the instance (or e.g. a cronjob). It is not a continuously running process.

Runtime View