This instance of LAPIS supports the following sequence filters:
Name | Type | Description |
ace2Binding | float | Filters the "ace2Binding" column" with exact match |
ace2BindingFrom | float | Filters the "ace2Binding" column (including the boundary) |
ace2BindingTo | float | Filters the "ace2Binding" column (including the boundary) |
age | int | Filters the "age" column" with exact match |
ageFrom | int | Filters the "age" column (including the boundary) |
ageTo | int | Filters the "age" column (including the boundary) |
authors | string | Filters the "authors" column" with exact match |
authors.regex | string | Filters the "authors" column using a regular expression, see string search |
country | string | Filters the "country" column" with exact match |
country.regex | string | Filters the "country" column using a regular expression, see string search |
countryExposure | string | Filters the "countryExposure" column" with exact match |
countryExposure.regex | string | Filters the "countryExposure" column using a regular expression, see string search |
date | date | Filters the "date" column" with exact match |
dateFrom | date | Filters the "date" column (including the boundary) |
dateTo | date | Filters the "date" column (including the boundary) |
dateDay | int | Filters the "dateDay" column" with exact match |
dateDayFrom | int | Filters the "dateDay" column (including the boundary) |
dateDayTo | int | Filters the "dateDay" column (including the boundary) |
dateMonth | int | Filters the "dateMonth" column" with exact match |
dateMonthFrom | int | Filters the "dateMonth" column (including the boundary) |
dateMonthTo | int | Filters the "dateMonth" column (including the boundary) |
dateOriginalValue | string | Filters the "dateOriginalValue" column" with exact match |
dateOriginalValue.regex | string | Filters the "dateOriginalValue" column using a regular expression, see string search |
dateSubmitted | date | Filters the "dateSubmitted" column" with exact match |
dateSubmittedFrom | date | Filters the "dateSubmitted" column (including the boundary) |
dateSubmittedTo | date | Filters the "dateSubmitted" column (including the boundary) |
dateSubmittedDay | int | Filters the "dateSubmittedDay" column" with exact match |
dateSubmittedDayFrom | int | Filters the "dateSubmittedDay" column (including the boundary) |
dateSubmittedDayTo | int | Filters the "dateSubmittedDay" column (including the boundary) |
dateSubmittedMonth | int | Filters the "dateSubmittedMonth" column" with exact match |
dateSubmittedMonthFrom | int | Filters the "dateSubmittedMonth" column (including the boundary) |
dateSubmittedMonthTo | int | Filters the "dateSubmittedMonth" column (including the boundary) |
dateSubmittedOriginalValue | string | Filters the "dateSubmittedOriginalValue" column" with exact match |
dateSubmittedOriginalValue.regex | string | Filters the "dateSubmittedOriginalValue" column using a regular expression, see string search |
dateSubmittedYear | int | Filters the "dateSubmittedYear" column" with exact match |
dateSubmittedYearFrom | int | Filters the "dateSubmittedYear" column (including the boundary) |
dateSubmittedYearTo | int | Filters the "dateSubmittedYear" column (including the boundary) |
dateUpdated | date | Filters the "dateUpdated" column" with exact match |
dateUpdatedFrom | date | Filters the "dateUpdated" column (including the boundary) |
dateUpdatedTo | date | Filters the "dateUpdated" column (including the boundary) |
dateUpdatedDay | int | Filters the "dateUpdatedDay" column" with exact match |
dateUpdatedDayFrom | int | Filters the "dateUpdatedDay" column (including the boundary) |
dateUpdatedDayTo | int | Filters the "dateUpdatedDay" column (including the boundary) |
dateUpdatedMonth | int | Filters the "dateUpdatedMonth" column" with exact match |
dateUpdatedMonthFrom | int | Filters the "dateUpdatedMonth" column (including the boundary) |
dateUpdatedMonthTo | int | Filters the "dateUpdatedMonth" column (including the boundary) |
dateUpdatedOriginalValue | string | Filters the "dateUpdatedOriginalValue" column" with exact match |
dateUpdatedOriginalValue.regex | string | Filters the "dateUpdatedOriginalValue" column using a regular expression, see string search |
dateUpdatedYear | int | Filters the "dateUpdatedYear" column" with exact match |
dateUpdatedYearFrom | int | Filters the "dateUpdatedYear" column (including the boundary) |
dateUpdatedYearTo | int | Filters the "dateUpdatedYear" column (including the boundary) |
dateYear | int | Filters the "dateYear" column" with exact match |
dateYearFrom | int | Filters the "dateYear" column (including the boundary) |
dateYearTo | int | Filters the "dateYear" column (including the boundary) |
died | string | Filters the "died" column" with exact match |
division | string | Filters the "division" column" with exact match |
division.regex | string | Filters the "division" column using a regular expression, see string search |
divisionExposure | string | Filters the "divisionExposure" column" with exact match |
divisionExposure.regex | string | Filters the "divisionExposure" column using a regular expression, see string search |
fullyVaccinated | string | Filters the "fullyVaccinated" column" with exact match |
genbankAccession | string | Filters the "genbankAccession" column" with exact match |
gisaidClade | string | Filters the "gisaidClade" column" with exact match |
gisaidClade.regex | string | Filters the "gisaidClade" column using a regular expression, see string search |
gisaidEpiIsl | string (primary key) | Filters the "gisaidEpiIsl" column" with exact match |
hospitalized | string | Filters the "hospitalized" column" with exact match |
host | string | Filters the "host" column" with exact match |
host.regex | string | Filters the "host" column using a regular expression, see string search |
immuneEscape | float | Filters the "immuneEscape" column" with exact match |
immuneEscapeFrom | float | Filters the "immuneEscape" column (including the boundary) |
immuneEscapeTo | float | Filters the "immuneEscape" column (including the boundary) |
location | string | Filters the "location" column" with exact match |
location.regex | string | Filters the "location" column using a regular expression, see string search |
nextcladeCoverage | float | Filters the "nextcladeCoverage" column" with exact match |
nextcladeCoverageFrom | float | Filters the "nextcladeCoverage" column (including the boundary) |
nextcladeCoverageTo | float | Filters the "nextcladeCoverage" column (including the boundary) |
nextcladeDatasetVersion | string | Filters the "nextcladeDatasetVersion" column" with exact match |
nextcladePangoLineage | pango_lineage | Filters the "nextcladePangoLineage" column for a pango lineage, see pango lineage query |
nextcladeQcFrameShiftsScore | float | Filters the "nextcladeQcFrameShiftsScore" column" with exact match |
nextcladeQcFrameShiftsScoreFrom | float | Filters the "nextcladeQcFrameShiftsScore" column (including the boundary) |
nextcladeQcFrameShiftsScoreTo | float | Filters the "nextcladeQcFrameShiftsScore" column (including the boundary) |
nextcladeQcMissingDataScore | float | Filters the "nextcladeQcMissingDataScore" column" with exact match |
nextcladeQcMissingDataScoreFrom | float | Filters the "nextcladeQcMissingDataScore" column (including the boundary) |
nextcladeQcMissingDataScoreTo | float | Filters the "nextcladeQcMissingDataScore" column (including the boundary) |
nextcladeQcMixedSites | float | Filters the "nextcladeQcMixedSites" column" with exact match |
nextcladeQcMixedSitesFrom | float | Filters the "nextcladeQcMixedSites" column (including the boundary) |
nextcladeQcMixedSitesTo | float | Filters the "nextcladeQcMixedSites" column (including the boundary) |
nextcladeQcMixedSitesScore | float | Filters the "nextcladeQcMixedSitesScore" column" with exact match |
nextcladeQcMixedSitesScoreFrom | float | Filters the "nextcladeQcMixedSitesScore" column (including the boundary) |
nextcladeQcMixedSitesScoreTo | float | Filters the "nextcladeQcMixedSitesScore" column (including the boundary) |
nextcladeQcOverallScore | float | Filters the "nextcladeQcOverallScore" column" with exact match |
nextcladeQcOverallScoreFrom | float | Filters the "nextcladeQcOverallScore" column (including the boundary) |
nextcladeQcOverallScoreTo | float | Filters the "nextcladeQcOverallScore" column (including the boundary) |
nextcladeQcPrivateMutationsScore | float | Filters the "nextcladeQcPrivateMutationsScore" column" with exact match |
nextcladeQcPrivateMutationsScoreFrom | float | Filters the "nextcladeQcPrivateMutationsScore" column (including the boundary) |
nextcladeQcPrivateMutationsScoreTo | float | Filters the "nextcladeQcPrivateMutationsScore" column (including the boundary) |
nextcladeQcSnpClustersScore | float | Filters the "nextcladeQcSnpClustersScore" column" with exact match |
nextcladeQcSnpClustersScoreFrom | float | Filters the "nextcladeQcSnpClustersScore" column (including the boundary) |
nextcladeQcSnpClustersScoreTo | float | Filters the "nextcladeQcSnpClustersScore" column (including the boundary) |
nextcladeQcStopCodonsScore | float | Filters the "nextcladeQcStopCodonsScore" column" with exact match |
nextcladeQcStopCodonsScoreFrom | float | Filters the "nextcladeQcStopCodonsScore" column (including the boundary) |
nextcladeQcStopCodonsScoreTo | float | Filters the "nextcladeQcStopCodonsScore" column (including the boundary) |
nextstrainClade | string | Filters the "nextstrainClade" column" with exact match |
originatingLab | string | Filters the "originatingLab" column" with exact match |
pangoLineage | pango_lineage | Filters the "pangoLineage" column for a pango lineage, see pango lineage query |
region | string | Filters the "region" column" with exact match |
region.regex | string | Filters the "region" column using a regular expression, see string search |
regionExposure | string | Filters the "regionExposure" column" with exact match |
regionExposure.regex | string | Filters the "regionExposure" column using a regular expression, see string search |
samplingStrategy | string | Filters the "samplingStrategy" column" with exact match |
sex | string | Filters the "sex" column" with exact match |
sraAccession | string | Filters the "sraAccession" column" with exact match |
strain | string | Filters the "strain" column" with exact match |
submittingLab | string | Filters the "submittingLab" column" with exact match |
submittingLab.regex | string | Filters the "submittingLab" column using a regular expression, see string search |
whoClade | string | Filters the "whoClade" column" with exact match |
whoClade.regex | string | Filters the "whoClade" column using a regular expression, see string search |
nucleotideMutations | list of strings | Filters for nucleotide mutations, see mutation filters |
aminoAcidMutations | list of strings | Filters for amino acid mutations, see mutation filters |
nucleotideInsertions | list of strings | In the format ins_false{'<position>:<insertion>'}. Example: ins_100:AGG |
aminoAcidInsertions | list of strings | In the format ins_<sequenceName>:<position><insertion>. Example: ins_E:100:DEF |