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This instance of LAPIS supports the following sequence filters:

Name Type Description
ace2Binding float Filters the "ace2Binding" column" with exact match
ace2BindingFrom float Filters the "ace2Binding" column (including the boundary)
ace2BindingTo float Filters the "ace2Binding" column (including the boundary)
age int Filters the "age" column" with exact match
ageFrom int Filters the "age" column (including the boundary)
ageTo int Filters the "age" column (including the boundary)
authors string Filters the "authors" column" with exact match
authors.regex string Filters the "authors" column using a regular expression, see string search
country string Filters the "country" column" with exact match
country.regex string Filters the "country" column using a regular expression, see string search
countryExposure string Filters the "countryExposure" column" with exact match
countryExposure.regex string Filters the "countryExposure" column using a regular expression, see string search
date date Filters the "date" column" with exact match
dateFrom date Filters the "date" column (including the boundary)
dateTo date Filters the "date" column (including the boundary)
dateDay int Filters the "dateDay" column" with exact match
dateDayFrom int Filters the "dateDay" column (including the boundary)
dateDayTo int Filters the "dateDay" column (including the boundary)
dateMonth int Filters the "dateMonth" column" with exact match
dateMonthFrom int Filters the "dateMonth" column (including the boundary)
dateMonthTo int Filters the "dateMonth" column (including the boundary)
dateOriginalValue string Filters the "dateOriginalValue" column" with exact match
dateOriginalValue.regex string Filters the "dateOriginalValue" column using a regular expression, see string search
dateSubmitted date Filters the "dateSubmitted" column" with exact match
dateSubmittedFrom date Filters the "dateSubmitted" column (including the boundary)
dateSubmittedTo date Filters the "dateSubmitted" column (including the boundary)
dateSubmittedDay int Filters the "dateSubmittedDay" column" with exact match
dateSubmittedDayFrom int Filters the "dateSubmittedDay" column (including the boundary)
dateSubmittedDayTo int Filters the "dateSubmittedDay" column (including the boundary)
dateSubmittedMonth int Filters the "dateSubmittedMonth" column" with exact match
dateSubmittedMonthFrom int Filters the "dateSubmittedMonth" column (including the boundary)
dateSubmittedMonthTo int Filters the "dateSubmittedMonth" column (including the boundary)
dateSubmittedOriginalValue string Filters the "dateSubmittedOriginalValue" column" with exact match
dateSubmittedOriginalValue.regex string Filters the "dateSubmittedOriginalValue" column using a regular expression, see string search
dateSubmittedYear int Filters the "dateSubmittedYear" column" with exact match
dateSubmittedYearFrom int Filters the "dateSubmittedYear" column (including the boundary)
dateSubmittedYearTo int Filters the "dateSubmittedYear" column (including the boundary)
dateUpdated date Filters the "dateUpdated" column" with exact match
dateUpdatedFrom date Filters the "dateUpdated" column (including the boundary)
dateUpdatedTo date Filters the "dateUpdated" column (including the boundary)
dateUpdatedDay int Filters the "dateUpdatedDay" column" with exact match
dateUpdatedDayFrom int Filters the "dateUpdatedDay" column (including the boundary)
dateUpdatedDayTo int Filters the "dateUpdatedDay" column (including the boundary)
dateUpdatedMonth int Filters the "dateUpdatedMonth" column" with exact match
dateUpdatedMonthFrom int Filters the "dateUpdatedMonth" column (including the boundary)
dateUpdatedMonthTo int Filters the "dateUpdatedMonth" column (including the boundary)
dateUpdatedOriginalValue string Filters the "dateUpdatedOriginalValue" column" with exact match
dateUpdatedOriginalValue.regex string Filters the "dateUpdatedOriginalValue" column using a regular expression, see string search
dateUpdatedYear int Filters the "dateUpdatedYear" column" with exact match
dateUpdatedYearFrom int Filters the "dateUpdatedYear" column (including the boundary)
dateUpdatedYearTo int Filters the "dateUpdatedYear" column (including the boundary)
dateYear int Filters the "dateYear" column" with exact match
dateYearFrom int Filters the "dateYear" column (including the boundary)
dateYearTo int Filters the "dateYear" column (including the boundary)
died string Filters the "died" column" with exact match
division string Filters the "division" column" with exact match
division.regex string Filters the "division" column using a regular expression, see string search
divisionExposure string Filters the "divisionExposure" column" with exact match
divisionExposure.regex string Filters the "divisionExposure" column using a regular expression, see string search
fullyVaccinated string Filters the "fullyVaccinated" column" with exact match
genbankAccession string Filters the "genbankAccession" column" with exact match
gisaidClade string Filters the "gisaidClade" column" with exact match
gisaidClade.regex string Filters the "gisaidClade" column using a regular expression, see string search
gisaidEpiIsl string (primary key) Filters the "gisaidEpiIsl" column" with exact match
hospitalized string Filters the "hospitalized" column" with exact match
host string Filters the "host" column" with exact match
host.regex string Filters the "host" column using a regular expression, see string search
immuneEscape float Filters the "immuneEscape" column" with exact match
immuneEscapeFrom float Filters the "immuneEscape" column (including the boundary)
immuneEscapeTo float Filters the "immuneEscape" column (including the boundary)
location string Filters the "location" column" with exact match
location.regex string Filters the "location" column using a regular expression, see string search
nextcladeCoverage float Filters the "nextcladeCoverage" column" with exact match
nextcladeCoverageFrom float Filters the "nextcladeCoverage" column (including the boundary)
nextcladeCoverageTo float Filters the "nextcladeCoverage" column (including the boundary)
nextcladeDatasetVersion string Filters the "nextcladeDatasetVersion" column" with exact match
nextcladePangoLineage string Filters the "nextcladePangoLineage" column" with exact match
nextcladeQcFrameShiftsScore float Filters the "nextcladeQcFrameShiftsScore" column" with exact match
nextcladeQcFrameShiftsScoreFrom float Filters the "nextcladeQcFrameShiftsScore" column (including the boundary)
nextcladeQcFrameShiftsScoreTo float Filters the "nextcladeQcFrameShiftsScore" column (including the boundary)
nextcladeQcMissingDataScore float Filters the "nextcladeQcMissingDataScore" column" with exact match
nextcladeQcMissingDataScoreFrom float Filters the "nextcladeQcMissingDataScore" column (including the boundary)
nextcladeQcMissingDataScoreTo float Filters the "nextcladeQcMissingDataScore" column (including the boundary)
nextcladeQcMixedSites float Filters the "nextcladeQcMixedSites" column" with exact match
nextcladeQcMixedSitesFrom float Filters the "nextcladeQcMixedSites" column (including the boundary)
nextcladeQcMixedSitesTo float Filters the "nextcladeQcMixedSites" column (including the boundary)
nextcladeQcMixedSitesScore float Filters the "nextcladeQcMixedSitesScore" column" with exact match
nextcladeQcMixedSitesScoreFrom float Filters the "nextcladeQcMixedSitesScore" column (including the boundary)
nextcladeQcMixedSitesScoreTo float Filters the "nextcladeQcMixedSitesScore" column (including the boundary)
nextcladeQcOverallScore float Filters the "nextcladeQcOverallScore" column" with exact match
nextcladeQcOverallScoreFrom float Filters the "nextcladeQcOverallScore" column (including the boundary)
nextcladeQcOverallScoreTo float Filters the "nextcladeQcOverallScore" column (including the boundary)
nextcladeQcPrivateMutationsScore float Filters the "nextcladeQcPrivateMutationsScore" column" with exact match
nextcladeQcPrivateMutationsScoreFrom float Filters the "nextcladeQcPrivateMutationsScore" column (including the boundary)
nextcladeQcPrivateMutationsScoreTo float Filters the "nextcladeQcPrivateMutationsScore" column (including the boundary)
nextcladeQcSnpClustersScore float Filters the "nextcladeQcSnpClustersScore" column" with exact match
nextcladeQcSnpClustersScoreFrom float Filters the "nextcladeQcSnpClustersScore" column (including the boundary)
nextcladeQcSnpClustersScoreTo float Filters the "nextcladeQcSnpClustersScore" column (including the boundary)
nextcladeQcStopCodonsScore float Filters the "nextcladeQcStopCodonsScore" column" with exact match
nextcladeQcStopCodonsScoreFrom float Filters the "nextcladeQcStopCodonsScore" column (including the boundary)
nextcladeQcStopCodonsScoreTo float Filters the "nextcladeQcStopCodonsScore" column (including the boundary)
nextstrainClade string Filters the "nextstrainClade" column" with exact match
originatingLab string Filters the "originatingLab" column" with exact match
pangoLineage string Filters the "pangoLineage" column" with exact match
region string Filters the "region" column" with exact match
region.regex string Filters the "region" column using a regular expression, see string search
regionExposure string Filters the "regionExposure" column" with exact match
regionExposure.regex string Filters the "regionExposure" column using a regular expression, see string search
samplingStrategy string Filters the "samplingStrategy" column" with exact match
sex string Filters the "sex" column" with exact match
sraAccession string Filters the "sraAccession" column" with exact match
strain string Filters the "strain" column" with exact match
submittingLab string Filters the "submittingLab" column" with exact match
submittingLab.regex string Filters the "submittingLab" column using a regular expression, see string search
whoClade string Filters the "whoClade" column" with exact match
whoClade.regex string Filters the "whoClade" column using a regular expression, see string search
nucleotideMutations list of strings Filters for nucleotide mutations, see mutation filters
aminoAcidMutations list of strings Filters for amino acid mutations, see mutation filters
nucleotideInsertions list of strings In the format ins_false{'<position>:<insertion>'}. Example: ins_100:AGG
aminoAcidInsertions list of strings In the format ins_<sequenceName>:<position><insertion>. Example: ins_E:100:DEF